nMangos in a mango orchard in the yard of a home in Roh Minh, Koh Andet District, Takeo Provence, CambodiaI was never really a lover of Mangoes. But I have learned like them here. Mangoes are eaten in Cambodia in two forms, unripe, or green, and ripe. I don’t think I have ever seen green mangoes sold in stores back home and I was surprised when I saw people eating them this way. They are the consistency of a crisp apple and more than a little tart. Typically they are skinned, sliced, and dipped in a mixture of salt and chili powder, or powdered instant soup mix (like from a Ramen noodle package). My favorite is the chili and salt. One day I saw one of the guys at the health center dipping mango into Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS), an electrolytes solution used for treating diarrhea. It’s mostly sugar and salt and it was actually quite good.nn nnOf course, the ripe mango is what everyone waits for and that is what I have been feasting on for most of this year. At 31 grams, one mango has approximately the same amount of sugar as a can of coke. Yes, living with this new family I have gained weight. Since the end of mango season, I have lost 2 Kg.
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